
Our Career & Placement Unit

All RACA students share the same goal. Upon completing their Culinary Art Academic program, if not going on to attain a higher levels of education, they surely want to pursue careers. Therefore, the career and placement unit in RACA is performing a mix of career development services and recruiting duties for RACA Alumni in order to help them plan and develop their careers, as well as, to succeed in today’s increasingly hyper-competitive market.

The unit works with employers to ensure that employment opportunities are always available for our Alumni to enter and advance their careers.

The Career and Placement unit is also responsible to oversee and monitor the internship placement program, including the provision of guidance and support to participating students and partners. The internship program is a complementary source of learning and enhancement for the student’s academic program and career objectives while giving them the opportunity to gain valuable experience and make connections in professional fields that they are considering for career paths.

The internship is a cooperative agreement between RACA and an approved establishment, whereby an advanced undergraduate student receives professional experience of a practical nature in his/ her area of interest under the supervision and guidance of a qualified professionals in culinary arts throughout a period of 20 weeks for a total of 880 hours.

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